Profile elective tumbling
Our biggest indoor playground is our tumbling facility!
And you have a chance to choose our tumbling class up to 4 times a week. Complete beginner - or semi-pro. We can promise you that our teachers are so talented, that they can help you develop your tumbling skills no matter what you're already capable of!
The profile elective has 3 elements:
1. Regular tumbling class - Trampolining
2. Team gym - competitive team tumbling.
3. Tumbling - on a fiber mat.

If you dream of becoming a great tumbler, the most important thing for us is your motivation and attitude!
Our teachers can teach you a bunch of tricks and jumps - and within your 10 months here you can improve beyond recognition
Are you pro? So are our teachers!
We have a new but talented gymnastic teacher team. With lots of experience as teachers in different gymnastic associations they aren’t just very talented gymnasts - but they know how to transform you into the best version of the gymnast you can be.
We don’t have everything - but everything we have is for you to use!
Big trampolines, mini trampolines, mats, flick bungy, soft mats, Dorado, Pegasus, fiber track and 15 m. Air track… and som much more. The last thing for you to know is - we love it when our tumbling center is being used! So! It’s open almost every evening - and everybody can stop by and get som tricks and advice from the teachers!
Imagine this: You just finished dinner - and for the next two- three hours you have freetime!
The tumbling center is open! It’s filled with fellow students! Some are jumping around - others are just sitting having a nice time. A group of dancers are just practicing their routines - while others are in a corner joking about something funny on Youtube!
A lot of evenings at TI are like this! There is more or less every night life and cozy time around the sports areas. Those who would like to jump they jump - and those who would like to chill they chill! The facilities are not only open during classes - whenever a tumbling teacher has time - its open for everybody to come and join! And that happens very often!
During the school year we compete with other boarding schools. We have a Christmas tournament, spring tournament, tumbling tournament etc.