The staff at TI

When you mix an international DNA with the spirit of “Efterskole” it means that the constellation of staff is a melting pot of Danish and international personalities. 

The staff

Kim Skouborg


Kim is the Principal - and thereby the main boss - of the entire Campus Vedersø and has been since 2015 when the construction of TI began. He has a background from the university, where he studied languages, and he has many years of experience in the Danish school system at different levels. He teaches the profile subject badminton and sometimes also other electives, and he loves to put life in perspective and talk philosophy, ethics and morals with the students in storytelling sessions, and he enjoys being part of the singing lessons!

In addition to that, Kim is also the type who sings along to songs in the car and plays golf when there is time for it - and otherwise he has to settle for an hour on the spinning bikes in the gym, where he likes to lure students along :)

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Tlf. +45 97 33 17 00

Sussie Skouborg

School mum

Sussie is an engineer who started her career focussing on improving work environment and quality assessment at large Danish companies such as Grundfos, Siemens and Arla. Now she works with well-being and development at Campus Vedersø. It's her greatest passion - and there is probably less difference between what she did before and what she does now than one would immediately think :)

You will always find her working on some project, whether it is NADA, meetings, conversations with students or doing sick rounds to tend to them and make sure they are taken good care of.

She is always eager to do things even better and to find new projects that we can participate in as a school - and is happy to share ideas and knowledge.

Read more about Sussie

Tlf. +45 97 33 17 00

Michel Christensen

Vice Principal and our go-to guy

Michel has been working at Campus Vedersø forever!

He teaches Math - and the rest of his time he does more or less everything regarding planning work schedules, world trips, work hours etc.

In his younger days he was a passionate gymnast - and he probably still can beat everybody in a solid hand stand.

He is a passionate hunter - and photographer! 

Read more about Michel

Tlf. +45 97 33 17 00

Alex Mason

Head of School

Alex is the Head of School at T.I. Originally he is from England, but after he finished his studies in Scandinavian studies and Danish language in the UK he moved to Denmark and fell in love with the Danish Efterskole concept. 

He has been a part of Efterskolerne in Denmark for more than 20 years - and after attaining a diploma in International Education he is the perfect candidate for driving T.I. into the future. 

Read more about Alex

Consuelo Davis


Connie is our South American lady at T.I. She teaches Spanish and Enterprise - and then she also spreads great vibes in her zumba and yoga classes on campus.

It is simply not possible to know Connie - and not to know about her beautiful husky, Max. Some days he accompanies Connie to the school - and while she teaches - he is left moping in her car :)

Read more about Consuelo

Elia Viccica


Elia started at T.I. as a volunteer. It's no secret that he loved the place - and it was mutual, so here we are a few years later and now he is a full time teacher. 

He is from the northern part of Italy - and he therefore - ironically enough- teaches french (And math and Volleyball) 

If he has the time - he is always willing to open up Esports for the students, or up for a round of boardgames.

He has.... let's call it... quite the skills for making VERY STRONG coffee! Probably something with his Italian genes! :)  

Read more about Elia

Jeromy Thorarensen


Jeromy is our American science and Math teacher. He lives in Vedersø with his family - and besides spending time with them he is a passionate (board) gamer. He is also a true Excel-master! He knows tricks that others can only dream about! In his past he was a prison guard, and working at Wallmart.

He has lived and worked in Spain, Iceland and the US. Now the time has come for Vedersø. If you want to make Jeromy happy you either become a true master of Excel - or you take him to Starbucks! 

Read more about Jeromy

Paul Friel

Teacher / School Counsellor

Paul is from (NORTHERN!) Ireland. He is a passionate golfer - and rumor has it - he is very good in the Danish (senior) league! His favorite Danish words are “Hold da op”.

He is our English teacher - and like Jon he has been a part of TI since the very first day in its history. If you want to become friends with Paul - here is 3 pieces of advice for you: Ice coffee, whiskey and colorful socks! 

Read more about Paul

Jon Ross


Jon has been a part of T.I. since it started! Before becoming a teacher he was in the Danish military deployed in hotspots around the globe.

He lived and did his studies in South Africa, where he also had his own security company. Now he works in Vedersø, drives around in a retro car, and works out in the school gym! He can - without bragging - lift more than most. So due to that fact - and that he also has a title as a door explosion expert - Jon is for sure not a person you wanna cross ;) 

At T.I. he teaches Global Perspectives, MUN and body weight training. 

Read more about Jon

Klaus Reventlov Sørensen

Tumbling teacher

René Uldahl Friis

Teacher and in charge of IT

René is our IT-guru. Some days he is on the verge of being stressed because the copy machine always decides to be out of service on days where everybody really needs it! Other than fixing all our IT-problems he is also our E-sports teacher! He actually started his own E-sports league in Denmark back in the day - and now he teaches students all about skills and tactics online!

He is educated as a pedagog - and spent a year working in Ireland for IBM. Rene is a big personality at TI. You can always hear him around campus - and besides teaching the students e-sports and how to clean properly - he will also teach them the essence of Danish irony! 

Read more about René

Sebastian Hahn

Music teacher

Sebastian is the music teacher of the school. If students choose Music as an elective he is the person who will create a band - instruct them in singing etc. 

There is absolutely no doubt that Sebastian is very talented when it comes to music - and especially playing the piano. 

He is part of the "Song" duo - together with Trine Lashley who is responsible for the weekly joint song lesson in T.I. 

Read more about Sebastian

Thilde Møller

Surf teacher

Thilde is the Surf Captain of T.I. 

She is talented both when it comes to waves - and mountains. She has previousluy worked as a Ski instructor in Canada - and a Surf instructor in Hvide Sande. She know the waves and the currents in The North Sea very well! And she is just the right person to teach all of our interested surfstudents to become rockstars on the waves.  

Read more about Thilde

Thomas Mølgaard Johannsen


Thomas is a combination of many things!

He is a very talented ski instructor!

He also knows how to play a guitar - and sing!

At T.I. he works as a science teacher and football coach. Rumor has it that he is very much afraid of heights!

But nothing is confirmed :) 

Read more about Thomas

Tine Lund


Tine is so Danish that she has owned a house in Harboøre :) She teaches Danish (FP10) and German. You can be lucky to meet her on her motor cycle somewhere around the roads of the west coast.

And in a more work related setting you can run into her in the association of German Teachers in Denmark, which she is the head of!

Read more about Tine

Trine Lashley


Trine can make an entire room full of people hold their breath when she really gets going! She is an incredible communicator—both when it comes to singing, music, and gatherings!

She has a background as a teacher in England but has now returned to Denmark.

She teaches all T.I. students weekly in communal singing! And she’s so good at it that when T.I. sings, it can be heard across most of the campus!

Read more about Trine

Andrea Isaia


Jonas Rau


The office

Lone Thesbjerg Jørgensen


Lone is a true ninja!

Especially when it comes to our digital platform at T.I., Viggo!

She keeps track of everything when it comes to managing everybody else’s schedules. S

he is also the person you talk to if you call the school within the office hours. 

Read more about Lone

Tlf. +45 97 33 17 00

Tove Baadsgaard


If we didn’t have Tove at T.I. we would be lost!

It is no secret that teachers are great at planning events, social activities etc - but when it comes to the financial stuff then it's another story! That’s where Tove comes into the picture!

She makes sure everything about our budget is exactly as it’s supposed to be! She knows everything about payments, and state student aid - so she is the person to talk to regarding the financial stuff. 

Read more about Tove

Tlf. +45 97 33 17 00

Helen Patmore

Marketing & Communications

Louise Krægpøth
