Values and rules
Having almost 100 teenagers under the same roof for 10 months is great. No doubt about it. But we also have to say - it is important for us, to succeed, that everybody is able to follow our guidelines for what we think is the foundation for at great year for everybody.
Please read our rules thoroughly. If you have any questions feel free to call us and let’s have a talk about it.
We do think dialogue is the best way forward.
Nonetheless, ask yourself if you can see yourself staying at T.I. under these conditions.

- You must follow your schedule, show up to classes, activities and duties on time including observing homework hours and bedtime.
- You shall come prepared and participate actively in class/activities and in a manner, which supports a caring, considerate, respectful and helpful environment.
- In addition, you are responsible for completing assignments and coursework on time. Failure to do so may result in an incomplete grade.
- Alcohol and illegal drugs are not allowed at the International or when traveling to or from the school, nor is it allowed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst at the school.
- Smoking any type of tobacco is banned.
- Sexual interaction is not allowed.
- To ensure privacy, male and female accommodation is separate.
- Racism and xenophobia are contrary to The International’s founding principles and therefore any form of hate speech or discrimination will not be tolerated.
- Any form of bullying and/or violent conduct will not be condoned.
- On school days all internet-based electronic items including cell-phones shall be handed-in before bedtime.
- If you need medicine during your stay at The International, you will be asked to provide a doctor’s note. Depending on the type of medicine, we may request that we administer the medicine from the office.
- The above rules apply at any given time/place while you are in the care of the school.
- You will be met with respect, openness and a positive attitude at TI - we naturally expect you to treat others in the same way.